We all know sleep is important, but do we really understand how sleep works? 

 We all have know that one friend who can’t start their day without their coffee, or that one co-worker who swears they only need 5 hours of sleep yet overreact to every small inconvenience throughout the day.

 Sleep problems have become very common for adults, laying wide awake at night, only to get a few hours of restful sleep. We have all experienced the effects of sleep loss... Irritability, Forgetfulness, Fatigue, Anxiety, and a whole list of other cognitive side effects that seem to only get worse as poor sleep patterns continue.

 Few are aware of the major impact that LIGHT has on our sleep. Not only is light the central signal that regulates our sleep cycles, but different lights can either improve or decrease the quality of our sleep. Lets dive into the facts on how light effects our sleep.


Weight gain

Epidemiological data suggest a strong correlation between weight gain with too little sleep. In addition, a large base of clinical evidence shows a strong connection between short sleep cycles and Type II diabetes [1]. A lack of sleep has also been shown to decrease leptin, a key appetite surprising hormone. Leptin is our internal fuel gauge, so when its thrown off by abnormal sleep patterns, its harder to regulate appetite [2].


Inflammatory markers are found to be higher in people who have sleep disturbance issues as well as overly long sleep durations. This highlights the fact that both too little and too much sleep may cause inflammation [3,4].

Cognitive decline

The general understanding among experts is that a lack of sleep leads to slower response times, decreased alertness, and an increased variability in performance. Recent research suggests sleep deprivation may especially effect cognitive functions that rely on emotional data, which makes sense to anyone who's been tired and irritable from a lack of sleep [5].

"A review of the literature suggests that not only retinal, but also whole body and intranasal irradiation with red light leads to a notable increase in serum melatonin levels in humans." 

Odinokov, D., & Hamblin, M. R. (2018). Aging of lymphoid organs: Can photobiomodulation reverse age-associated thymic involution via stimulation.

The downside of modern technology on sleep

     Light plays a major role in your sleep cycle. In fact, it is the key signal. The body's circadian clock interprets light as a sign of when to sleep and be awake, which regulates everything from appetite and metabolism, to hormone levels and immune function. All of this is controlled by our body's ability to sync itself with natural LIGHT. 

     Since us humans have figured out how to have light all day long, it confuses our internal clock, thus, effecting hormone levels and melatonin production. We have incredible lighting technology now, but our bodies have yet to evolve along with our technology to be able to tell the difference between the sun and our LED phone/computer screens. 

The blue light problem.

It is well noted by modern research that one of the greatest challenges we face today in terms of sleep quality is blue light. 

Not all light is created equal, and some lights are a lot better than others for sleep. Most of our electronic devices have screens that emanate large amounts of blue light, and when you sit in front of a glowing screen for hours before bed, your body gets the message that its time to be wide awake. Especially since It is blue light that has the power to actually shut off melatonin secretion. 

When you jump into bed and try to fall asleep after opening the evening hours under overhead lighting while looking at a TV, phone, or laptop, its difficult for your body to actually fall right asleep, even if you're tired. 

Study's show that one hour of blue light exposure right before bed can delay melatonin secretion by up to four hours. 

The red light solution.

     Red light is ideal for evenings because it has a low color temperature, far lower than regular sunlight. You can be immersed in red light at night without altering your internal clock like blue light does. If you're having trouble sleeping and you're surround yourself with an unnatural blue light every night, thats most likely the biggest factor negatively impacting your sleep.

     Switching to natural red light in the evenings can help your body ease into its sleep cycle more naturaly. But not just any red light will do, red light in the 660nm and near infrared light in the 850nm is best for healthy cellular function. research has shown that these two wavelengths of light come with an enormous list of benefits. Thats why our ATaPa devices come standard with these two different lightwaves. 

     Beware of cheap red light devices which are not clinically proven to improve sleep and melatonin levels. **


     You may know that melatonin is your body's natural sleep hormone. Its a naturally occurring hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Exposure to light after dark inhibits the body ability to release melatonin, increasing the time it takes for you to fall asleep and negatively impacting sleep quality as well. However, if you're in red light before bed, you'll produce even more melatonin than if you're surrounded by synthetic blue light, and that can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality. 

Other red light therapy benefits

Improved cognitive function

in 2014, a study with red light therapy on the cognitive function of people with traumatic brain injuries found that participants not only had significantly improved cognitive function, but also saw decreased episodes of PTSD and reported better sleep. 

Less headaches/better sleep

Recent research in 2018 out of Brazil assessed the effects of red light therapy and other treatments on patients who suffer from migraine headaches. Research found that not only did red light therapy decrease the number of headaches, it was also the only treatment that improved patients sleep disorders. 

Recovery from traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

In a study with 47 people with TBI, patients received 18 red and near infrared light treatments and saw an average increase of 1 hour of sleep per night. Researchers concluded that red and near infrared light increased melatonin levels in participants. 


~ The leading edge of human performance ~

Clinically proven wavelengths

Our devices come standard with the two most clinically proven wavelengths of red and near infrared light.  These wavelengths are shown to have a wide list of benefits. 

2 year warranty

If anything should happen to your device within the first two years of your purchase, we will be more than happy to fix it for you.

Hight powered LEDs

Our devices offer clinical grade irradiance. Which means low treatments times and faster results. 

Cost effective 

We pride ourselves on having created a device that is above standard in terms of quality, power, and safety, that is also cost effective. 


Ever since I purchased my red light therapy device from ATaPa, my sleep has improved, I find it easier to stay relaxed, and my mood seems better than it has ever been. It's an essential part of my day.

Marissa, A

I can't describe how much better my thinking has become since starting red light therapy. Work is easier and I am much more focused. 

Robert, K



[1] Kristen K. “Impact of sleep and sleep loss on glucose homeostasis and appetite” Sleep Medicine Clinics. 2007, June; 2

[2] 187-197. doi: 10.1016/jsmc.2007.03.0042) Sunil S., Mani K. “Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview” Int J Endocrinol. 2010, Aug 2. doi: 10.1155/2010/270832 

[3] Michael I., Richard O., Judith Carroll. “Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Duration, and Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies and Experimental Sleep Deprivation” Biological Psychiatry. 2016, July 1; 80(1): 40-52. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.05.014 

[4]  Janet M., Norah S., Hans M., Monika H. “Sleep Loss and Inflammation” Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2010, October; 24

[5]  775-784. dio: 10.1016/jbeem.2010.08.0145 Killgore WD. “Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition” Progress in Brain Research. 2010; 185: 105-129. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53702-7.00007-5